Monday, October 20, 2008

Cant think!!

Well it has been a really loooong hot min. since my last post! So what has been going on with everyone?!? I have been working and working and then.. yep you guessed it working! The real world sucks!!! Not anything really interesting going on in my neck of the woods! OH OH the other day at work we had a memorial service for Billy. It was perfect! Then, my bestest friend in the whole big bad ER world, announced that he was leaving!!! Well not "leaving, leaving" persei! He is transfering up to the PACU which is like pre-op. Yeah I was crushed! He said he was going to take me out on a date before he leaves which I believed for about umm... 2 seconds! But its all good in the neighborhood! I have to go and buy new scrubs cause we changed the color we have to wear! Its black. Blah! So morbid! But other than that its been going ok for me!! I went to Sloss and Atrox already!! Me and Kori are SOOOOO going to this place in palmerdale! Its the old high school! The website is here! It scared the living life out of me just looking and listening to the site!! Well let me run Im off too meet Ashley at the Galleria! Peace!