Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th Everyone!!

"John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe died on July 4th. Adams and Jefferson died in the same year. Supposedly, Adams last words were “Thomas Jefferson survives.”

Thought I would bring everyone a little 4th of July Facts for you!!! I really didn't know that little tidbit!

Ok so my day was eventful! I get woken up to the sound of little feet running through the house! Yep you guessed it! Ethen came by for a visit!! He was "sick" so he needed to stay home from school! So needless to say I was up for the day!! Da was off work today so he got up early and started weedeating! Well I procedded to get ready and get Beckett ready for a adventure to the dump! That was interesting!! We went and got lunch and returned home to drop off Beckett and go and get a grill that the church needs to cook the meat for our sale for missions...etc. We went to the great and big wally world and looked around for a bit then came home. Da continued to cut grass while I took Beckett to the "doctor" to get her stiches out! That was loads of fun let me just tell you!! She is still mad at me!! Well here I am looking for stupid facts on the internet and getting ready to go to bed! Beckett is looking forward to that! Updates to come!


Kimberlee said...

I love you nerd!